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adult, and children (12 and younger)
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Activity Description
###Route and Highlights:###
Cape town station – travel by train.
Langa Train station.
Walking tour.
Community project.
Migrant hostels and new family units.
Joe Slovo informal settlement.
Light lunch
Duration5 hours
WhenDaily except Sundays (Gospel Tour on Sundays)
WhereDeparture Point Our Pick ups are done in all accommodation establishments within Cape Town city centre , waterfront along the Atlantic seaboard up to and including Camps bay
Return Point Same point as pick up point unless specified
WeatherAll weather conditions
What to WearComfortable clothing and walking shoes
* In summer: sun hat and sunscreen lotion.
Things to BringCamera, extra cash
Guests or SpectatorsOnly paying guest allowed
Minimum Age0 years
Minimum Height0.0 m
Maximum Height0.0 m
Fitness LevelNo Fitness Requirement
Maximum Weight0.0 kg
CertificationNot applicable
Experience LevelNo Experience Requirement
Inclusions and Exclusions
Return train tickets from Cape town to Langa with a Camissa walking guide.
Light lunch in a local restaurant.
Alcoholic beverages.
###Morning departures:###
You will be collected for your guest house or hotel for a transfer to Cape Town station.